"Jahrzehnt der Gesundheit" aus Sicht von Bill Gates

Wie sich die Bill-Gates-Stiftung, der Wellcome Trust und leider auch Unicef das "Jahrzehnt der Gesundheit" vorstellen, ist in einem gruseligen Werbespot zu sehen:

Näheres zu den Stiftungen und ihre unermeßliche Macht in


4 Antworten auf „"Jahrzehnt der Gesundheit" aus Sicht von Bill Gates“

  1. ·

    2006 · doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030517

    James G Kahn, Elliot Marseille, Bertran Auvert 

    Cost-effec­ti­ve­ness of male cir­cumcis­i­on for HIV pre­ven­ti­on in a South African setting 

    Consistent with obser­va­tio­nal stu­dies, a ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led inter­ven­ti­on tri­al of adult male cir­cumcis­i­on (MC) con­duc­ted in the gene­ral popu­la­ti­on in Orange Farm (OF) (Gauteng Province, South Africa) 

    (…) Conclusions: In set­tings in sub-Saharan Africa with high or mode­ra­te HIV pre­va­lence among the gene­ral popu­la­ti­on, adult MC is likely to be a cost-effec­ti­ve HIV pre­ven­ti­on stra­tegy, even when it has a low covera­ge. MC gene­ra­tes lar­ge net savings after adjust­ment for aver­ted HIV medi­cal costs. 



    15.06.2009 · New Scientist 

    Bill Gates helps fund mass cir­cumcis­i­on programme 

    Microsoft foun­der Bill Gates last week injec­ted $50 mil­li­on into a pro­gram­me to cir­cumcise up to 650,000 men in Swaziland and Zambia. 

    The goal of the pro­ject is to curb the trans­mis­si­on of HIV in two of the AIDS hot­spots of the world, as cir­cumcis­i­on has been shown to more than hal­ve the risk of men beco­ming infected. 

    Funded for five years through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the pro­gram­me is the first to mas­si­ve­ly sca­le up pro­vi­si­on of circumcision (…) 



    05.12.2011 · UNAIDS 

    International part­ners call for acce­le­ra­ted access to vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on in eastern and sou­thern Africa 

    The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) today laun­ched a five-year action frame­work to acce­le­ra­te the sca­le-up of vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on (VMMC) for HIV pre­ven­ti­on. The framework—developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS, PEFPAR, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank in con­sul­ta­ti­on with natio­nal Ministries of Health—calls for the imme­dia­te roll-out and expan­si­on of VMMC ser­vices in 14 prio­ri­ty count­ries of eastern and sou­thern Africa. 



    23.07.2012 · Bill Gates 

    What We Must Do to Turn the Tide on AIDS 



    25.07.2012 · Bill Gates 

    Chief Mumena: Leading by Example on HIV 



    30.11.2016 · BlackNews 

    Africans Speak Out Against the Mass Circumcision Campaign 



    07.05.2017 · DW Deutsche Welle 

    Aktivisten for­dern sofor­ti­gen Stopp von Jungen-Beschneidung in Afrika 

    (…) "Wie kann das sein? Meine Volksgruppe beschnei­det ihre Kinder und ihre Männer, Muslime beschnei­den ihre Kinder und trotz­dem ster­ben sie an AIDS", sag­te Maloba (…) Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation und das UN-Programm UNAIDS sehen das anders. Die WHO ver­weist auf ihrer Homepage auf Studien. Beschnitte Männer haben dem­nach ein weit­aus gerin­ge­res Risiko, HIV zu bekom­men. Um bis zu 60 Prozent soll es durch die Beschneidung sin­ken. Nach Plänen der WHO sol­len 90 Prozent aller afri­ka­ni­schen Männer zwi­schen 20 und 29 Jahren bis 2021 beschnit­ten wor­den sein. Auch Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates unter­stützt die Kampagnen. Es sei "eine rie­si­ge Herausforderung, die sich aber loh­ne", sag­te Gates auf der inter­na­tio­na­len AIDS-Konferenz im süd­afri­ka­ni­schen Durban letz­tes Jahr. (…) 



    04.10.2018 · hpd Humanistischer Pressedienst 

    Victor Schiering

    Verstümmelungen an Kindern als Form von "Entwicklungshilfe" und "HIV-Prävention"

    (…) Seit über zehn Jahren spü­len west­li­che staat­li­che und nicht­staat­li­che Hilfsorganisationen wie USAID und die Bill-and-Melinda-Gates-Stiftung enor­me Gelder in afri­ka­ni­sche Länder, die expli­zit dafür vor­ge­se­hen sind, mög­lichst vie­le männ­li­che Afrikaner einer Vorhautamputation ("Beschneidung") zu unter­zie­hen. In Radiosendungen und auf Plakaten wird für die­se Maßnahme gewor­ben. Dort heißt es: "Stand proud. Get cir­cumcis­ed!" Taxifahrer ver­tei­len Flyer und erhal­ten Prämien bei erfolg­rei­cher Vermittlung. Da die anvi­sier­ten Quoten mit der blo­ßen Anwerbung von erwach­se­nen Männern nicht erfüllt wer­den, wen­den sich die Programme zuneh­mend an Eltern von Jungen und männ­li­chen Säuglingen und holen mit fal­schen Versprechungen deren Unterschrift ein. UNICEF nimmt in Informationsmaterialien wer­den­de Mütter ins Visier: EIMC (Early infant male cir­cumcis­i­on) sei ein klei­ner unkom­pli­zier­ter Eingriff und bie­te für neu­ge­bo­re­ne Jungen vie­le lebens­lan­ge Vorteile. Oftmals, wie uns berich­tet wird, fällt aber auch der "Umweg" über die Eltern gleich ganz weg: in Schulen wer­den nur die Schulleiter infor­miert, die Kinder mit Süßigkeiten und Softdrinks ange­lockt. Es wird ihnen erzählt, sie sei­en "anschlie­ßend" sicher vor HIV. Ganz beson­ders gefähr­det sind Waisen. (…) nie­mand konn­te je begrün­den, war­um die Gefahr der Übertragung sexu­ell über­trag­ba­rer Krankheiten eine Rechtfertigung sein könn­te, sexu­ell nicht akti­ve Jungen zwangs­zu­be­schnei­den. Auch wur­de nie das Geheimnis gelüf­tet, war­um aus­schließ­lich männ­li­che Genitalschleimhäute Übertragungswege für Viren bie­ten soll­ten und es ethisch akzep­ta­bel sein kön­ne, voll­stän­di­ge männ­li­che Genitalien als krank­heits­aus­lö­sen­de Gefahr, Männer und Eltern, die sich der Propaganda wider­set­zen, als gera­de­zu ver­ant­wor­tungs­los zu dis­kri­mi­nie­ren. (…) Die jüdisch-US-ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Journalistin Max Fish, Mitbegründerin des VVMC-Experience-Projects kon­sta­tier­te in Berlin: "Die heu­ti­gen Beschneidungskampagnen sind zutiefst ras­si­stisch: die Vorstellung, Verhaltensinterventionen wie Kondomnutzung und Treue reich­ten nicht aus für die Menschen in Afrika, die Vor­stellung, afri­ka­ni­sche Sexualität brau­che eine 'end­gül­ti­ge­re' Lösung." (…) 

    (Text ursprüng­lich in MIZ: Materialien und Informationen zur Zeit, Ausgabe 2/18.)



    Our Team – The VMMC Experience Project 

    I won­de­red: how can this be true if my Bagisu uncles who cir­cumcise their men are being wiped out by AIDS? 

    — Prince Hillary Maloba 



    04.05.2017 · Ärzteblatt 

    Beschneidungs­kampagne der WHO in Afrika unter mas­si­ver Kritik 

    (…) Das seit 2007 lau­fen­de Programm hat zum Ziel, bis 2021 bei rund 27 Millionen Jungen und Männer in Afrika Beschneidungen durch­ge­führt zu haben. Nach Angaben von Max Fish, Gründerin des VMMC-Erfahrungsprojekts, hat die Bill-und-Melinda-Gates-Stiftung Forschungen zu Beschneidung als Mittel gegen Aids finan­ziert und inten­siv bewor­ben. (…) Mit dem Programm EIMC (Early Infant Male Circumcision) finan­ziert UNICEF in eini­gen afri­ka­ni­schen Ländern Vorhautbeschneidungen von Säuglingen in den ersten bei­den Lebensmonaten. (…) Der Kenianer Prince Hillary Maloba schau­te sich inner­halb des VMMC-Erfahrungs­projekts in Kenia und Uganda die Folgen vor Ort an. Die Beschneidungskampagnen-Partner wür­den Schulverwaltungen Geld dafür anbie­ten, klei­nen Jungen zu sagen, dass Aids nur unbe­schnit­te­ne Männer tötet. Beobachtet hat er auch, dass Schüler mit Süßigkeiten und Spielzeug in Lastwagen gelockt wür­den, die sie zur Beschneidung in umlie­gen­de medi­zi­ni­sche Zentren füh­ren. „Anschließend wer­den sie in ihre Dörfer zurück­ge­fah­ren, ohne medi­zi­ni­sche Nachsorge und ohne dass die Eltern infor­miert waren“, berich­te­te Prince Hillary Maloba. 



    2020 · WHO 

    Preventing HIV in high HIV bur­den set­tings through vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male circumcision 



    2021 WHO and UNAIDS · VMMC 2021 

    Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision 2021 · A gate­way to ado­le­s­cent boys’ and young men’s health 



    1. human fores­kin fibro­blasts (HFFs)

      HFF = huma­ne Vorhautfibroblasten, die aus Vorhautgewebe von Neugeborenen stam­men sprich erst nach MGM – male geni­tal muti­la­ti­on – nutz­bar wer­den, männ­li­cher Genitalverstümmelung. 


      Özlem Türeci und Uğur Şahin sind die bei­den Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzenden des Unternehmens BioNTech – Şahin ist einer der füh­ren­den Impfstoffentwickler gegen das ver­gleichs­wei­se harm­lo­se Coronavirus SARS-CoV‑2 Krankheitsbild COVID-19. 

      Improving mRNA-Based Therapeutic Gene Delivery by Expression-Augmenting 3' UTRs Identified by Cellular Library Screening. 

      Orlandini von Niessen AG, Poleganov MA, Rechner C, Plaschke A, Kranz LM, Fesser S, Diken M, Löwer M, Vallazza B, Beissert T, Bukur V, Kuhn AN, Türeci Ö, Sahin U

      mRNA coding for luci­fer­a­se with the indi­ca­ted 3′ UTR moti­ves was elec­tro­po­ra­ted into muri­ne myo­blasts (C2C12) ( C ) or human fores­kin fibro­blasts (HFFs)
      In human fores­kin fibro­blasts (HFFs), mtRnR1- and AES-ele­ment com­bi­na­ti­ons were supe­ri­or to hBg by 2.4- to 3.5‑fold (Figure 3D).
      (A) Experimental set­up for the repro­gramming of human fores­kin fibro­blasts (HFFs) using syn­the­tic mRNA coding for repro­gramming tran­scrip­ti­on fac­tors, immu­ne eva­si­on pro­te­ins, and plu­ri­po­ten­cy-pro­mo­ting miRNAs.




      Human Gene Therapy Vol. 28, No. 12 | Published Online: 1 Dec 2017 


      Improvement of In Vivo Expression of Genes Delivered by Self-Amplifying RNA Using Vaccinia Virus Immune Evasion Proteins 

      Tim Beissert, Lars Koste, Mario Perkovic, Kerstin C. Walzer, Stephanie Erbar, Abderraouf Selmi, Mustafa Diken, Sebastian Kreiter, Özlem Türeci, and Ugur Sahin


      Among nucleic acid–based deli­very plat­forms, self-ampli­fy­ing RNA (saRNA) vec­tors are of incre­a­sing inte­rest for appli­ca­ti­ons such as tran­si­ent expres­si­on of recom­bi­nant pro­te­ins and vac­ci­na­ti­on. saRNA is safe and, due to its capa­bi­li­ty to ampli­fy intracel­lu­lar­ly, high pro­te­in levels can be pro­du­ced from even minu­te amounts of trans­fec­ted templates. (…) 

      Material and Methods
      Cell culture 

      All growth media, fetal calf serum (FCS), anti­bio­tics, and other sup­ple­ments were sup­plied by Life Technologies/Gibco, except when sta­ted other­wi­se. Human fores­kin fibro­blasts obtai­ned from System Bioscience (HFF, neo­na­tal) or ATCC (CCD-1079Sk) were cultivated (…) 

      BHK21 cells and human fores­kin fibro­blasts (HFF) were lipof­ec­ted with GFP-repor­ter-enco­ding saRNA. Total RNA amounts were adju­sted to 2.5 μg using irrele­vant infrared fluo­re­s­cent pro­te­in (iRFP) and luci­fer­a­se enco­ding mRNA. (…) 

      HFF were elec­tro­po­ra­ted with 2.5 μg of GFP-saRNA RNA and in total 2 μg of in-vitro tran­scri­bed mRNA enco­ding VACV pro­te­ins E3, K3, or B18 or com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof: E3 and K3 (EK) or all three (EKB). Each sam­ple was in addi­ti­on spik­ed with 2.5 μg of iRFP-mRNA to con­trol suc­cess of elec­tro­po­ra­ti­ons. Controls (ctr) were GFP-saRNA RNA spik­ed with 2.5 μg of iRFP-mRNA. (…) 

      Transfer of GFP saRNA into HFF cells stron­gly indu­ced IFN‑β and OAS1, the lat­ter being a key IFN-respon­se gene invol­ved in viral RNA degra­da­ti­on (Fig. 2C and D). E3 mRNA co-trans­fec­tion robust­ly redu­ced IFN‑β induc­tion by appro­xi­m­ate­ly 90%. K3 and B18 redu­ced IFN‑β tran­script levels by >60%. Co-trans­fec­tion of all three mRNAs had the stron­gest effect in redu­cing IFN‑β induc­tion by 95% (Fig. 2C). (…) 




      Probiotics, Photobiomodulation, and Disease Management: Controversies and Challenges. 

      Laura Marinela Ailioaie and Gerhard Litscher 

      Ailioaie, L.M.; Litscher, G. Probiotics, Photobiomodulation, and Disease Management: Controversies and Challenges. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4942. doi​.org/​1​0​.​3​3​9​0​/​i​j​m​s​2​2​0​9​4​942
      Academic Editor: Satya Prakash
      Received: 22 February 2021
      Accepted: 29 April 2021
      Published: 6 May 2021 


      In an expe­ri­ment con­duc­ted by Maldaner et al. on H2O2-indu­ced inflamma­ti­on of skin fibro­blast cell line (HFF-1), pho­to­bio­mo­du­la­ti­on (660 nm, 3–8 J/cm2) par­ti­al­ly rever­sed the acti­va­ti­on of DNA oxi­da­ti­on, cas­pa­se 3/8, IL‑1/6 and IFN-indu­ced by H2O2, with an increa­sed level of anti-inflamma­to­ry IL-10 at an ener­gy den­si­ty applied of 4 J/cm2 (p < 0.001), which also impro­ved the cel­lu­lar pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on for the fibro­blasts trea­ted with H2O2 and expo­sed to LLLT [291].

      [291] Maldaner, D.R.; Azzolin, V.F.; Barbisan, F.; Mastela, M.H.; Teixeira, C.F.; Dihel, A.; Duarte, T.; Pellenz, N.L.; Lemos, L.F.C.;
      Negretto, C.M.U.; et al. In vitro effect of low-level laser the­ra­py on the pro­li­fe­ra­ti­ve, apo­pto­sis modu­la­ti­on, and oxi-inflammatory
      mar­kers of pre­ma­tu­re-sene­s­cent hydro­gen per­oxi­de-indu­ced der­mal fibro­blasts. Lasers Med. Sci. 2019, 34, 1333–1343.



      Kauft Leute, kauft 

      HFF‑1; fibro­blast; Human foreskin
      Artikelnummer: ATCC-SCRC-1041
      Cell type: Fibroblast
      Strain: Designation HFF‑1
      Organism: Homo sapi­ens [ Baby männ­lich – Anm. ]
      Tissue: Skin; foreskin 



      [ Ausmaß der Schädigung ] 


      Fine-touch pres­su­re thres­holds in the adult penis 

      Morris L. Sorrells, James L. Snyder, Mark D. Reiss, Christopher Eden, Marilyn F. Milos, Norma Wilcox, Robert S. Van Howe 


      Frisch, Morten, Lindholm, Morten, Grønbæk, Morten. Male cir­cumcis­i­on and sexu­al func­tion in men and women: a sur­vey-based, cross-sec­tion­al stu­dy in Denmark.. Int J Epidemiol.. 14 June 2011


  2. male cir­cumcis­i­on (MC)
    vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on (VMMC)
    ear­ly infant male cir­cumcis­i­on (EIMC)

    21.10.2019 | UNAIDS 

    Voluntary medi­cal male circumcision―4.1 mil­li­on per­for­med in 2018 

    Voluntary medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on (VMMC)―the rem­oval of all or part of the fores­kin of the penis by a trai­ned health-care professional―reduces hete­ro­se­xu­al male vul­nerabi­li­ty to HIV infec­tion by appro­xi­m­ate­ly 60%. Its effects last a life­time. VMMC is also an ent­ry point for pro­vi­ding men and boys with broa­der health packa­ges to impro­ve their health, and indi­rect­ly bene­fits women and girls. (…) 



    New model­ling shows COVID-19 should not be a rea­son for delay­ing the 2030 dead­line for ending AIDS as a public health threat

    Data repor­ted to UNAIDS by count­ries have been used to pro­ject the poten­ti­al impact of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic on the glo­bal HIV respon­se over the next five years. Several sce­na­ri­os with dif­fe­rent dura­ti­ons of ser­vice dis­rup­ti­ons of bet­ween three months and two years were modelled. 

    The dis­rup­ti­ons inclu­ded: (a) a rate of increa­se in HIV tre­at­ment half the pre-COVID-19 rate; (b) no vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on; © 20% com­ple­te dis­rup­ti­on of ser­vices to pre­vent ver­ti­cal trans­mis­si­on; and (d) no pre-expo­sure pro­phy­la­xis sca­le-up. An important assump­ti­on across all the sce­na­ri­os was that the cur­rent rese­arch pipe­line would gene­ra­te one or more safe and effec­ti­ve COVID-19 vac­ci­nes, and that the world will suc­ce­ed in rol­ling out vac­ci­nes globally. (…) 


    The so cal­led "Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision" of boys in Kisumu, Kenya 

    UNICEF, World Bank and the Bill Gates Foundation dri­ve a cir­cumcis­i­on cam­paign in Africa. Not only con­sen­ting adults are being cir­cumcis­ed also boys get their fores­kin ampu­ta­ted. Schools are being paid to send boys to cir­cumcis­i­on cam­paigns (usual­ly on Fridays). 

    This boy is one of its vic­tims, left alo­ne after his fores­kin has been removed. 


    Why does Bill Gates want to mass-cir­cumcise Africans?

    The VMMC Experience Project 

    Prince Maloba is fight­ing the “vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on” (VMMC) poli­cy, a part of the glo­bal AIDS respon­se invol­ving the quo­ta-based cir­cumcis­i­on of Africans—mostly underage boys—including many unwil­ling children. 

    Maloba seeks YOUR help to rai­se awa­re­ness of VMMC human rights vio­la­ti­ons and the African resistance. 


    by fun­ding from the US’ PEPFAR, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among other Western “harm philanthropists” 


    Thicker skin from kera­ti­ni­sa­ti­on may requi­re thin­ner con­doms. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a lea­ding inve­stor in VMMC rese­arch and imple­men­ta­ti­on, has offe­red up to $1 mil­li­on USD to deve­lop an ultra-thin con­dom to “enhan­ce the plea­su­re so as to increa­se uptake.” 


    16.09.2020 | Phyllis Mbanje | NewsDay ( Harare, Zimbabwe ) 

    Circumcision a racist expe­ri­ment: Study

    A CRITICAL app­raisal has dis­missed World Health Organisation (WHO)-recommended cam­paigns to cir­cumcise mil­li­ons of African boys and men to redu­ce HIV trans­mis­si­on as mere syste­mic racism and “neo-colo­nia­lism” than sound sci­en­ti­fic research. 

    Published in the Developing World Bioethics, the stu­dy was con­duc­ted by VMMC Experience Project along with other legal and medi­cal experts from the United Kingdom, United States, Cameroon, Zimbabwe and South Africa. 

    It exami­ned the histo­ry and poli­tics of the­se cir­cumcis­i­on cam­paigns in the con­text of race and colo­nia­lism and found that they had been star­ted in haste and wit­hout suf­fi­ci­ent con­tex­tu­al research. (…) 

    In 2007, WHO and UNAids recom­men­ded vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on (VMMC) as cri­ti­cal in redu­cing the risk of sexu­al trans­mis­si­on of HIV from fema­les to males by 60%.
    This per­cen­ta­ge has, howe­ver, been dis­pu­ted over the years and to date no con­clu­si­ve data has been found to vali­da­te the claims. (…) 



    Male cir­cumcis­i­on cam­paigns to redu­ce HIV trans­mis­si­on in Africa are based on syste­mic racism

    (…) Max Fish, lead aut­hor and foun­der of the VMMC Experience Project, a grass­roots effort to ele­va­te African voices about the effects of the cam­paigns on their lives, said: "There has been a glo­bal spot­light on syste­mic racism–and racist institutions–following the death of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of a White poli­ce offi­cer in May. However, une­thi­cal human expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on on Africans and African Americans remains a per­va­si­ve pro­blem in Western medi­ci­ne that has recei­ved rela­tively litt­le attention." 

    "Africa was tar­ge­ted, and it is still being tar­ge­ted," said Cleophas Matete, a Kenyan bishop inter­view­ed by the VMMC Experience Project, who is quo­ted in the stu­dy. "It is used as a con­ti­nent to expe­ri­ment. Should they intro­du­ce anything that is [moral­ly que­stionable], they want to expe­ri­ment in Africa. So I belie­ve that the enti­re pro­cess of try­ing to test it in Africa was wrong from the begin­ning, and I say no to it." 

    There has been a long histo­ry of une­thi­cal medi­cal rese­arch con­duc­ted on Africans and African Americans, inclu­ding the infa­mous "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male," in which African American syphi­lis pati­ents living in rural pover­ty were obser­ved but not trea­ted, lea­ding to suf­fe­ring, the spread of infec­tion and wide­spread death (…) 


    WHO and UNAIDS VMMC 2021 – zero draft – plea­se do not quote 

    … VMMC pro­gram­mes will con­ti­n­ue to be pro­vi­ded, but will be expan­ded to ensu­re basic health checks and a review of vac­ci­na­ti­on sta­tus.

    … VMMC 2021 sets out a pathway to sustainability. … 

    Adolescent girls and young women … HPV vac­ci­ne


    PEPFAR Technical Guidance in Context of COVID-19 Pandemic 

    Guidance from the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) inclu­des infor­ma­ti­on about how the COVID-19 pan­de­mic may affect vol­un­t­a­ry medi­cal male cir­cumcis­i­on (VMMC) services. 


  3. Eine pro­spek­ti­ve Feldstudie: Einführung des Shang-Rings in den kli­ni­schen Alltag 

    Eine pro­spek­ti­ve Studie zur männ­li­chen Beschneidung mit dem Shang-Ring in kli­ni­schen Routinesituationen in Kenia und Sambia 

    Mitarbeiter: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (…)


    Shang Ring Crcumcision 

    Advances in cir­cumcis­i­on sur­gery have sta­gna­ted in recent deca­des. Ten years ago howe­ver, a land­mark medi­cal publi­ca­ti­on show­ed that cir­cumcis­i­on stron­gly redu­ced the risk of HIV trans­mis­si­on in male par­ti­ci­pan­ts of a cli­ni­cal stu­dy, gene­ra­ting rene­wed inte­rest in cir­cumcis­i­on by the World Health Organisation and health offi­ci­als world­wi­de. Realising that cir­cumcis­i­on may help con­tain the HIV/AIDS epi­de­mic in high-pre­va­lence are­as such as in Africa, rese­ar­chers sought to find newer ways to per­form cir­cumcis­i­on that are more con­ve­ni­ent for men and that are more likely to achie­ve high upt­ake. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation fun­ded rese­arch to crea­te the Shang Ring, a new cir­cumcis­i­on device that fits this pur­po­se.



    Bill Gates Talks About Circumcision and the Shang Ring at Stanford


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