
18.01.2021: Nach Impfungen: Corona-Ausbruch in Pflegeheim in Itzstedt

13.01.2021: Mehrere Coronafälle nach Impfungen in Altenheim in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

15.01.2021: Corona-Ausbruch in Altenheim vor der zwei­ten Impfung

15.01.2021: Corona-Ausbrüche trotz erster Impfung in Dortmunder Altenheim

Stand 14. Januar 2021: Altenheim-Bewohner trotz Impfung infiziert

Stand 14.01.2021: Bedburger Pflegeheim: Senioren und Personal nach Impfung an Corona erkrankt

Stand 14.01.2021: Corona-Infektion nach erster Impfung: Chaos im Altersheim

Stand 08.01.2021: Rödinghausen: Corona-Ausbruch in Seniorenheim nach Impfungen

Stand: 08.01.2021: Positive Corona_Tests nach Impfung:

Wissenschaftler ent­war­nen

Stand: 08.01.2021 Infektion nach Impfung
Mehrere Personen in bay­ri­schem Altenheim neu infiziert

Stand: 08.01.2021: Sars-CoV-2-Ausbruch bei geimpf­ten Altersheimbewohnern

04.01.2021: Tage nach erster Impfung erneut Corona-Ausbruch in Seniorenheim auf Mallorca

In den Kommentaren fin­den sich wei­te­re Fälle.

Siehe u.a. auch Zufälle (II)Zufälle (III)Zufälle (IV).

28 Antworten auf „Zufälle“

  1. Bei den Impfexperimenten der Fa. Astra Zeneca in England war auf­fäl­lig, dass sehr vie­le Probanden eine soge­nann­te Neutropenie nach der Impfung zeig­ten (https://www.dw.com/de/covid-19-schwierige-abw%C3%A4gungen-bei-der-entwicklung-von-impfstoffen/a‑55123033). Eine Neutropenie ist eine Verminderung bestimm­ter wei­ßer Blutkörperchen (neu­tro­phi­le Granulozyten). Durch die Erniedrigung der Zahl der neu­tro­phi­len Granulozyten wird eine vor­über­ge­hen­de Unterdrückung des Immunsystems her­vor­ge­ru­fen (sie­he Wikipedia). Es scheint nicht aus­ge­schlos­sen, dass das die Ursache der vie­len Infektionen nach Impfung in Altersheimen sein könn­te. Der Impfstoff von Pfitzer/BioNtech unter­schei­det sich zwar hin­sicht­lich des Transportmediums (hier Vektor, da Liposome) aber bei­de ver­wen­den mRNA. Daneben ist die Frage inter­es­sant, wie unser Immunsystem das Fremdprotein erkennt. Im Fall eines kon­ven­tio­nel­len Impfstoffes wird dem Immunsystem eine kom­plet­te Virushülle prä­sen­tiert, bei iner mRNA-Impfung nur ein Teil.

    1. Die Ausbrüche schei­nen ja in allen Heimen prak­tisch gleich­zei­tig statt­ge­fun­den zu haben. Das spricht dafür, dass die Impfungen direkt dafür ursäch­lich sind. Denn es ver­ge­hen ja ein paar Tage, bis ein Infizierter die Infektion wei­ter­ge­ben kann. Wären die Impfungen indi­rekt für die Fälle ver­ant­wort­lich und die Infektion kurz dar­auf zB von einem Besucher ein­ge­schleppt wor­den, wären wohl nicht so vie­le Heimbewohner gleich­zei­tig erkrankt.

      1. @Woody Box
        Das mit der Inkubationszeit ist m.E ein Denkfehler. Der Impfstoff selbst kann kei­ne Infektion her­vor­ru­fen, son­dern die pas­sa­ge­re Immunsupression. Anders aus­ge­drückt. Ich ver­mu­te, dass der Impfstoff die alten Menschen anfäl­li­ger macht. Da das Virus mitt­ler­wei­le über­all ist, stecken sie sich leich­ter an.

  2. 15.01.2021: Die Regionalzeitung "Rheinpfalz" (Ludwigshafen) berich­tet, dass in einem Neuhofener Pflegeheim von 104 geimpf­ten Senioren 36 an Covid-19 erkrankt sind. Auch in ande­ren Einrichtungen – unter ande­rem bei einer in Ludwigshafen – sei­en kurz nach der ersten Impfung Covid-19-Infektionen aufgetreten.

    1. Genauso sehe ich es auch. Wenn vor­her jeder Todesfal eine Tragödie war (und es tut mir leid, wenn das hart­her­zig klingt, jeder Mensch ist ein Verlust, aber wir sind nun mal nicht unsterb­lich und ver­lie­ren jedes Jahr tau­sen­de an Menschen an die Grippe), sind die­se Impf-Opfer es nicht wert, erwähnt zu wer­den. Das ist schon seit lan­gem so. Ich erin­ne­re mich, auf Dr Andreas Kalckers Webseite das Link zu einem 1915 erschie­nen Buch mit dem Titel "Impf-Friedhof" gese­hen zu haben, wel­ches tau­sen­de von Impftoten oder Impfgeschädigten auf­führ­te. Damals war es die Pockenimpfung, die so viel Leid hervorrief.

  3. Aktuellster Bericht des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts:

    Bis zum 10.01.2021 erhielt das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ins­ge­samt 325 Einzelfallberichte zu Verdachtsfällen von Nebenwirkungen oder Impfkomplikationen nach
    Impfung mit Comirnaty in Deutschland. Es wur­den 913 unerwünschte
    Reaktionen geschil­dert (im Mittel 2,8 Reaktionen pro Meldung). In 51 Fällen
    wur­de über schwer­wie­gen­de Reaktionen berich­tet. Bis zum 10.01.2021 wurden
    laut Angaben des Robert Koch-Instituts 613.347 Personen geimpft (Stand
    11.01.2021*). Eine Übersicht über die Meldungen ist in Tab. 1 dargestellt.”


  4. Wer auf­grund der Impfung an Corona erkrankt und stirbt, geht auf das Statistik- Konto der "Corona- Toten"!
    Jetzt geht mir ein Licht auf, was Gates mit einer ange­streb­ten Bevölkerungsreduktion durch Impfung gemeint hat, was mir stets als Paradoxon erschien.

      1. Bill Gates hat dies in einem TED Talk 2010 gesagt. Wörtlich: "The world today has 6.8 bil­li­on peo­p­le… that's hea­ded up to about 9 bil­li­on. Now if we do a real­ly gre­at job on new vac­ci­nes, health care, repro­duc­ti­ve health ser­vices, we could lower that by per­haps 10 or 15 per­cent." (Quelle: https://​www​.natu​ral​news​.com/​0​2​9​9​1​1​_​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​s​_​B​i​l​l​_​G​a​t​e​s​.​h​tml). Hier dürf­te es auch zu fin­den sein: https://​www​.ted​.com/​t​a​l​k​s​/​b​i​l​l​_​g​a​t​e​s​_​i​n​n​o​v​a​t​i​n​g​_​t​o​_​z​ero. Bill Gates hat dies auch schon prak­tisch durch­ge­führt und Frauen und Mädchen in Afrika Sterilisationsmittel in die Impfung gemischt. Die ist z.B. in Kenia pas­siert (https://​www​.afri​c​an​glo​be​.net/​a​f​r​i​c​a​/​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​s​-​s​e​c​r​e​t​l​y​-​s​t​e​r​i​l​i​z​e​-​w​o​m​e​n​-​a​f​r​i​ca/). Bei der neu­en Impfung wird das glei­che befürch­tet. durch die "spike pro­te­ins", Dr Wodarg hat sich da sehr klar aus­ge­spro­chen (er hat eine eige­ne Webseite).

  5. Das ist nichts neues…

    Siehe hier:


    "Swine Flu Expose


    As has been sta­ted befo­re, all medi­cal and non-medi­cal aut­ho­ri­ties on vac­ci­na­ti­on agree that vac­ci­nes are desi­gned to cau­se a mild case of the dise­a­ses they are sup­po­sed to pre­vent. But they also know and admit that the­re is no way whatsoe­ver to pre­dict whe­ther the case will be mild or seve­re – even dead­ly. With this much uncer­tain­ty in deal­ing with the very lives of peo­p­le, it is very unsci­en­ti­fic and extre­me­ly dan­ge­rous to use such a que­stionable pro­ce­du­re as vaccination.

    Many vac­ci­nes also cau­se other dise­a­ses bes­i­des the one for which they are given. For instance, small­pox vac­ci­ne often cau­ses syphi­lis, para­ly­sis, lepro­sy, and can­cer. (See the chap­ters on small­pox and pla­gues.) Polio shots, diph­the­ria toxin-anti­to­xin, typho­id vac­ci­ne, as well as meas­les, teta­nus and all other shots often cau­se various other stages of dise­a­se such as post-vac­cinal ence­pha­li­tis (inflamma­ti­on of the brain,) para­ly­sis, spi­nal menin­gi­tis, blind­ness, can­cer (some­ti­mes within two years,) tuber­culo­sis, (two to twen­ty years after the shot,) arthri­tis, kid­ney dise­a­se, heart dise­a­se (heart fail­ure some­ti­mes within minu­tes after the shot and some­ti­mes seve­ral hours later.) Nerve dama­ge and many other serious con­di­ti­ons also fol­low the injections.

    When seve­ral shots are given (dif­fe­rent vac­ci­nes) within a few days or a few weeks apart, they often trig­ger inten­si­fi­ed cases of all the dise­a­ses at once, becau­se the body can­not hand­le such a lar­ge amount of dead­ly poi­son being injec­ted direct­ly into the blood­stream. The doc­tors call it a new dise­a­se and pro­ce­ed to sup­press the symptoms.

    When poi­son is taken by the mouth, the inter­nal defen­se system has a chan­ce to quick­ly eject some of it by vomi­ting, but when the poi­sons are shot direct­ly into the body, bypas­sing all the natu­ral safe­guards, the­se dan­ge­rous poi­sons cir­cu­la­te imme­dia­te­ly throug­hout the enti­re body in a mat­ter of seconds and keep on cir­cula­ting until all the cells are poisoned.

    I heard that seven men drop­ped dead in a doctor’s office after being vac­ci­na­ted. This was in an army camp, so I wro­te to the Government for veri­fi­ca­ti­on. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only veri­fi­ed the report of the seven who drop­ped dead from the vac­ci­nes, but it sta­ted that the­re had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepa­ti­tis as a direct result of the yel­low fever vac­ci­ne during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the sol­diers. We can ima­gi­ne the dama­ge that all the­se shots did to the men. (See the chap­ter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.)

    The first World War was of a short dura­ti­on, so the vac­ci­ne makers were unable to use up all their vac­ci­nes. As they were (and still are) in busi­ness for pro­fit, they deci­ded to sell it to the rest of the popu­la­ti­on. So they drum­med up the lar­gest vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in U.S. histo­ry. There were no epi­de­mics to justi­fy it so they used other tricks. Their pro­pa­gan­da clai­med the sol­diers were coming home from for­eign count­ries with all kinds of dise­a­ses and that ever­yo­ne must have all the shots on the market.

    The peo­p­le belie­ved them becau­se, first of all, they wan­ted to belie­ve their doc­tors, and second, the retur­ning sol­diers cer­tain­ly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doc­tor-made vac­ci­ne dise­a­ses, as the army doc­tors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the retur­ned sol­diers were dis­ab­led for life by the­se drug-indu­ced dise­a­ses. Many were insa­ne from post­v­ac­cinal ence­pha­li­tis, but the doc­tors cal­led it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil.

    The con­glo­me­ra­te dise­a­se brought on by the many poi­son vac­ci­nes baf­f­led the doc­tors, as they never had a vac­ci­na­ti­on spree befo­re which used so many dif­fe­rent vac­ci­nes. The new dise­a­se they had crea­ted had sym­ptoms of all the dise­a­ses they had injec­ted into the man. There was the high fever, extre­me weak­ne­ss, abdo­mi­nal rash and intesti­nal distur­ban­ce cha­rac­te­ri­stic of typho­id. The diph­the­ria vac­ci­ne cau­sed lung con­ge­sti­on, chills and fever, swol­len, sore throat clog­ged with the fal­se mem­bra­ne, and the cho­king suf­fo­ca­ti­on becau­se of dif­fi­cul­ty in breathing fol­lo­wed by gas­ping and death, after which the body tur­ned black from sta­g­nant blood that had been depri­ved of oxy­gen in the suf­fo­ca­ti­on stages. In ear­ly days they cal­led it Black Death. The other vac­ci­nes cau­se their own reactions—paralysis, brain dama­ge, lock­jaw, etc.

    When doc­tors had tried to sup­press the sym­ptoms of the typho­id with a stron­ger vac­ci­ne, it cau­sed a worse form of typho­id which they named para­ty­pho­id. But when they con­coc­ted a stron­ger and more dan­ge­rous vac­ci­ne to sup­press that one, they crea­ted an even worse dise­a­se which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the peo­p­le what it real­ly was—their own Frankenstein mon­ster which they had crea­ted with their vac­ci­nes and sup­pres­si­ve medi­ci­nes. They wan­ted to direct the bla­me away from them­sel­ves, so they cal­led it Spanish Influenza. It was cer­tain­ly not of Spanish ori­gin, and the Spanish peo­p­le resen­ted the impli­ca­ti­on that the world-wide scour­ge of that day should be bla­med on them. But the name stuck and American medi­cal doc­tors and vac­ci­ne makers were not suspec­ted of the crime of this wide­spread devastation—the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that rese­ar­chers have been dig­ging up the facts and lay­ing the bla­me whe­re it belongs.

    Some of the sol­diers may have been in Spain befo­re coming home, but their dise­a­ses ori­gi­na­ted in their own home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our medi­cal men still use that same dodge. When their own vac­ci­nes (requi­red for tra­vel) cau­se vac­ci­ne dise­a­ses abroad they use this as grounds for a sca­re cam­paign to stam­pe­de peo­p­le into the vac­ci­na­ti­on cen­ters. Do you remem­ber the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu sca­res? These were all medi­cal­ly-made epi­de­mics mixed with the usu­al com­mon colds which peo­p­le have every year.

    Now (1976) we are being work­ed on again by the vac­ci­ne ‑epi­de­mic makers in their effort to force ano­ther mul­ti mil­li­on dol­lar vac­ci­ne sale caper. Their con men have alre­a­dy tal­ked President Ford into han­ding over $135 mil­li­on dol­lars to start their vac­ci­ne racket. Even the insu­rance com­pa­nies refu­sed to beco­me invol­ved with such an obvious­ly dan­ge­rous and croo­ked sche­me. So, again the medi­cal and drug con men indu­ced the appro­pria­te govern­ment offi­ci­als to gua­ran­tee insu­rance against the, pos­si­ble bil­li­ons of dol­lars in law suits which could be brought against the vac­ci­ne pro­mo­ters if the vac­ci­ne cam­paign is car­ri­ed out as plan­ned. It’s a good thing Ford was voted out of office. It’s too bad he wasn’t "dum­ped" befo­re he paid the poi­son squad the MONEY’ to poi­son the who­le popu­la­ti­on. However, we don’t yet know if President Carter will be any bet­ter. Will he be held in the grip of the medi­cal and drug dic­ta­tor­ship? Or will he investigate—learn the truth—reverse the decis­i­ons and make the vac­ci­ne makers return the money taken from the tax­payers under fal­se pretenses?

    The state­ment of the swi­ne flu vac­ci­ne pro­mo­ters to the effect that the vac­ci­ne is harm­less, is fal­se, and the state­ment that it will pro­tect against flu is fal­se. Fifty-six peo­p­le died after the shots, some within 48 hours. There is con­fu­si­on and dis­agree­ment among the doc­tors about all aspects of the vac­ci­ne, from the safe­ty and effec­ti­ve­ness to the neces­si­ty for it, who should have it and who should be war­ned against it.

    Their sca­re-head cam­paign cry is that the swi­ne flu is like the 1918 flu which kil­led 20,000,000 peo­p­le. They don’t have any usable and pro­va­ble blood samples from the 1918 flu epi­de­mic to pro­ve it. That was 58 years ago, and the doc­tors were just as con­fu­sed and inef­fi­ci­ent then as now. However, one thing is certain—the 1918 Spanish Influenza was a vac­ci­ne-indu­ced dise­a­se cau­sed by extre­me body poi­so­ning from the con­glo­me­ra­ti­on of many dif­fe­rent vac­ci­nes. The sol­diers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine Flu had been injec­ted with a lar­ge varie­ty of vac­ci­nes like the vac­ci­nes which cau­sed the 1918 flu epi­de­mic. The flu epi­de­mic at Fort Dix was in no way rela­ted to swi­ne. There were no swi­ne at camp (unless we want to sar­ca­sti­cal­ly call the vac­ci­ne pro­mo­ters who cau­sed the dise­a­ses -"swi­ne.")

    To add to the con­fu­si­on, the doc­tors tell the peo­p­le that the­re are a lot of various kinds of flu; the one which the sol­diers at Fort Dix had was AVictoria flu, the­re are other strains of flu virus, and also, that the swi­ne flu vac­ci­ne which so many peo­p­le have taken alre­a­dy will not pro­tect them against the many other types of flu. This will be used as an "out" in case of law suits later on when more casu­al­ties begin to show up. The doc­tors will say that the vac­ci­ne fai­led becau­se it was the wrong kind of flu for the vac­ci­ne. Of cour­se, no one can pro­ve it one way or the other becau­se virus­es are illu­si­ve, invi­si­ble orga­nisms which are unsta­ble and unpre­dic­ta­ble. One dic­tion­a­ry defi­ni­ti­on of virus is "a mor­bid poi­son." The vac­ci­nes injec­ted into the body are poi­son and cau­se the typi­cal poi­son reac­tions. Virus (poi­son) does not fly around and attack people.

    Therefore, the­re will be no swi­ne flu epi­de­mic unless the vac­ci­ne pro­mo­ters make one like they did in the 1918 flu epi­de­mic. It will not kill 20,000,000 peo­p­le unless the peo­p­le sub­mit to the dise­a­se-pro­du­cing shots. There are also, other cau­ses of dise­a­se bes­i­des vac­ci­nes, such as bad food, which has been devi­ta­li­zed and con­ta­mi­na­ted with poi­son pre­ser­va­ti­ves and arti­fi­ci­al drug con­coc­tions. There are many more cau­ses of dise­a­se but no dise­a­ses are contagious(See the chap­ter on the germ theory).

    Vaccine dri­ves come and go as often as the vac­ci­ne pro­mo­ters can cook up the sligh­test pre­ten­se of a reason.n Back in1957 they were try­ing to stir up a vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign for what they deci­ded to call Asiatic flu. An edi­to­ri­al in the Herald and Express for August 29, 1957 was cap­tio­ned, "Fear of Flu Propaganda." Part of the pie­ce is as follows:

    "What a tem­pest in a teapot has been blown up over the pro­ba­bi­li­ty that this coun­try will expe­ri­ence an epi­de­mic of the Asiatic flu in the fall and win­ter months ahead.

    "Even the United States Department of Health is stoo­ge for the panic—and has issued state­ments which are frigh­tening the public, rather than reassu­ring them by poin­ting out that this epi­de­mic, while wide­spread, gives no indi­ca­ti­on of being any more dan­ge­rous than our usu­al flood of influ­en­za-like colds when win­ter comes on.

    "Those who read bet­ween the lines even won­der whe­ther the who­le thing might not be a bit of super sales­man­ship on the part of tho­se who are making and sel­ling the vac­ci­nes which are being prepared.…"


    All the doc­tors and peo­p­le who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epi­de­mic say it was the most ter­ri­ble dise­a­se the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hear­ty, one day would be dead the next. The dise­a­se had the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the black death added to typho­id, diph­the­ria, pneu­mo­nia, small­pox, para­ly­sis and all the dise­a­ses the peo­p­le had been vac­ci­na­ted with imme­dia­te­ly fol­lo­wing World War 1. Practically the enti­re popu­la­ti­on had been injec­ted "see­ded" with a dozen or more diseases—or toxic serums. When all tho­se doc­tor-made dise­a­ses star­ted brea­king out all at once it was tragic.

    That pan­de­mic drag­ged on for two years, kept ali­ve with the addi­ti­on of more poi­son drugs admi­ni­ste­red by the doc­tors who tried to sup­press the sym­ptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vac­ci­na­ted. Those who had refu­sed the shots escaped the flu. My fami­ly had refu­sed all the vac­ci­na­ti­ons so we remain­ed well all the time. We knew from the health tea­chings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that peo­p­le can­not con­ta­mi­na­te the body with poi­sons wit­hout caus­ing disease.

    When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were clo­sed as well as the schools, businesses—even the hos­pi­tal, as the doc­tors and nur­ses had been vac­ci­na­ted too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We see­med to be the only fami­ly which didn’t get the flu; so my par­ents went from hou­se to hou­se doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impos­si­ble to get a doc­tor then. If it were pos­si­ble for germs, bac­te­ria, virus, or bacil­li to cau­se dise­a­se, they had ple­nty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to attack my par­ents when they were spen­ding many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us child­ren and cau­se anything. None of our fami­ly had the flu—not even a sniff­le— and it was in the win­ter with deep snow on the ground.

    When I see peo­p­le crin­ge when someone near them snee­zes or coughs, I won­der how long it will take them to find out that they can’t catch it—whatever it is. The only way they can get a dise­a­se is to deve­lop it them­sel­ves by wrong eating, drin­king, smo­king or doing some other things which cau­se inter­nal poi­so­ning and lowe­red vita­li­ty. All dise­a­ses are pre­ven­ta­ble and most of them are cureable with the right methods, not known to medi­cal doc­tors, and not all dru­g­less doc­tors know them either.

    It has been said that the 1918 flu epi­de­mic kil­led 20,000,000 peo­p­le throug­hout the world. But, actual­ly, the doc­tors kil­led them with their cru­de and dead­ly tre­at­ments and drugs. This is a harsh accu­sa­ti­on but it is nevert­hel­ess true, jud­ging by the suc­cess of the dru­g­less doc­tors in com­pa­ri­son with that of the medi­cal doctors.

    While the medi­cal men and medi­cal hos­pi­tals were losing 33% of their flu cases, the non-medi­cal hos­pi­tals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were get­ting almost 100% healings with their water cure, baths, ene­mas, etc., fasting and cer­tain other simp­le heal­ing methods, fol­lo­wed by careful­ly work­ed out diets of natu­ral foods. One health doc­tor didn’t lose a pati­ent in eight years. The very suc­cessful health tre­at­ment of one of tho­se dru­g­less doc­tors who didn’t lose any pati­ents will be given in the other part of this book, tit­led VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a litt­le later.

    If the medi­cal doc­tors had been as advan­ced as the dru­g­less doc­tors, the­re would not have been tho­se 20 mil­li­on deaths from the medi­cal flu treatment.

    There was seven times more dise­a­se among the vac­ci­na­ted sol­diers than among the unvac­ci­na­ted civi­li­ans, and the dise­a­ses were tho­se they had been vac­ci­na­ted against. One sol­dier who had retur­ned from over­se­as in 1912 told me that the army hos­pi­tals were fil­led with cases of infan­ti­le para­ly­sis and he won­de­red why grown men should have an infant dise­a­se. Now, we know that para­ly­sis is a com­mon after-effect of vac­ci­ne poi­so­ning. Those at home didn’t get the para­ly­sis until after the world-wide vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in 1918."

  6. 7.1.21 , NRW, Warendorf (habe ich in der Liste auf die Schnell nicht gefunden)
    "Obwohl sie schon Ende Dezember geimpft wor­den waren, haben sich in einem Altenheim in Warendorf elf Bewohner und 13 Mitarbeitern mit dem Coronavirus ange­steckt. Das teil­te die Träger-Gesellschaft des Warendorfer Heimes am Donnerstag mit. Die Gründe dafür sind bis­lang unklar. …"

  7. Paranoia an:

    Hat jemand von Euch den Impfstoff eigent­lich unter­sucht? Die kön­nen uns alles erzäh­len und durch pas­sen­de Daten(-manipulation?) kön­nen sie auch den "Eperten" alles erzäh­len. Und die füh­ren dann "wis­sen­schaft­li­che Diskussionen" wie Don Quichotte.
    Es muss ja nicht gespritzt wer­den, was behaup­tet wird.
    Es muss auch nicht gespritzt wer­den, was "zuge­las­sen" wird.

    Wer unter­sucht schon jede Charge?

    Paranoia aus

  8. Wann stop­pen die Menschen end­lich den Wahnsinn und las­sen sich nicht län­ger instru­men­ta­li­sie­ren, fast im Wortsinn zu ver­ste­hen, zumal nicht sicher ist, ob und wie die Impfung wirkt.

  9. Interessant in dem Zusammenhang ist auch Israel. Dort wur­den bereits 2,2 Mio Menschen geimpft ( Bevölkerung = über 9 Mio also in etwa so groß wie Österreich). Dazu kom­men über 560.000 posi­tiv Getestete, das ergibt über 2,7 Mio, die bereits immun sein soll­ten, das sind über 20% der Bevölkerung. Die Anzahl der täg­lich gemel­de­ten posi­tiv Getesteten ist jedoch mehr als dop­pelt so hoch wie in Österreich, das ins­ge­samt weni­ger posi­tiv Getestete hat und wo die Impfkampagne noch nicht ins Laufen gekom­men ist. Was ist das nur für eine Impfung?????

  10. https://​www​.lana​ci​on​.com​.ar/​e​l​-​m​u​n​d​o​/​c​o​r​o​n​a​v​i​r​u​s​-​i​s​r​a​e​l​-​d​i​c​e​-​p​r​i​m​e​r​a​-​d​o​s​i​s​-​v​a​c​u​n​a​-​p​f​i​z​e​r​-​n​i​d​2​5​7​6​1​1​7​?​u​t​m​_​m​e​d​i​u​m​=​E​c​h​o​b​o​x​&​u​t​m​_​s​o​u​r​c​e​=​F​a​c​e​b​o​o​k​&​f​b​c​l​i​d​=​I​w​A​R​1​3​c​Z​0​X​a​A​4​R​f​1​F​D​F​J​u​y​i​v​w​Z​W​a​I​y​B​x​x​Q​J​o​b​3​y​w​H​r​H​A​V​p​p​L​l​_​1​j​O​2​l​d​t​o​g​4​4​#​E​c​h​o​b​o​x​=​1​6​1​1​0​8​8​309 das habe ich eben in der argen­ti­ni­schen Zeitung La Nacion gefun­den, mei­ne freie Übersetzung:

    israe­li­sche Behörden sagen, die Pfizer-Impfung ist weni­ger effek­tiv als von Pfizer ange­ge­ben, vie­le Menschen haben sich zwi­schen der ersten und der zwei­ten Dosis infi­ziert, es scheint, daß der Schutz durch die erste Dosis weni­ger effek­tiv ist, als man dach­te, die Daten über den Schutzeffekt sind nied­ri­ger, als die von Pfizer prä­sen­tier­ten. Dem israe­li­schen Gesundheitsministerium zu fol­ge wur­den mehr als 12400 Personen nach Erhalt der Impfung posi­tiv gete­stet, dar­in sind 69 Personen ent­hal­ten, die auch schon die zwei­te Impfung erhal­ten hat­ten. In Israel sind 2.000.000 Personen geimpft wor­den, davon 400.000 mit der zwei­ten Dosis.

    1. Begehen wir nicht mitt­ler­wei­le alle einen Denkfehler und spre­chen von "Infizierten".? Es sind mit PCR gete­ste­te oder wird der Covid an den Geimpften jetzt so fest­ge­stellt, wie es hät­te von Anfang an sein sollen? :
      Symptome, Antigentest und PCR

  11. Nach mei­nem Kenntnisstand soll es ja bei der Impfung nur dar­um gehen das wenn man sich infi­ziert der Verlauf nicht so schwer wird und die Krankenhäuser dann kol­la­bie­ren. Von einem Schutz gegen die Infizierung ist mir nichts bekannt.

  12. Gates und sei­ne Spinnennetz-Kumpane wol­len sich mit ihrer Finanzmacht durch­set­zen was die Bevölkerungs-reduk­ti­on betrifft/s. Daegle
    Es wird höch­ste Zeit die Verhältnisse zu ändern!!!

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